The Mobile Coordinator Network (MCN) develops and shares resources to increase the efficiency, rigor and reproducibility of studies utilizing mobile devices at the University of Michigan. 

MCN is open to study coordinators across the University of Michigan who are working or planning studies using mobile technologies. The network focuses on:

  • Best practices for enrolling and retaining study participants and ensuring completion of study tasks, including communication with participants, for remotely managed studies
  • Standardized template instructions for app download and use, device pairing, maximizing device effectiveness, remote data collection, and other common technology needs
  • Regulatory processes as they relate to mobile technologies in research including IRB, information assurance (IA), etc.
  • The effectiveness and use of study and data management platforms

Virtual meetings are held bimonthly during the academic year. 

MCN Video Library

The Mobile Coordinator Network virtual meetings are held regularly during the academic year. Check out our recorded sessions: 

Watch MCN Playlist