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Genetic Architecture of Mental Disorders in Ancestrally Diverse Populations II (U24 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

National Institutes of Health
LOI Deadline
LOI Required
Recommended, but not required
Application Deadline
Maximum Project Duration
5 years
Research Focus Areas
Mental Health Disparities and Equity
Population Focus
Research Methods
Computational Biology
This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) invites applications for a Coordinating Center (CC) to support the network-wide, collaborative, work between PAR-24-240U01 research projects funded under the Ancestral Populations Network 2 (APN-2) initiative described in the companion announcement. The APN-2 initiative has an overall goal of enhancing diversity in psychiatric genetic studies by supporting large scale genomic studies in populations of non-European Ancestry around the globe, currently significantly underrepresented in the field. The APN Coordinating Center (APN-2 CC) will: (a) Coordinate data harmonization and joint analyses across network projects, (b) Plan, coordinate and facilitate research training activities across the network and develop best practices guidance for individual member projects and the wider scientific community, (c) Develop and disseminate ethical best practices for APN members and the scientific communities, with a specific focus on psychiatric genetic studies in different settings around the world, (d) Serve as a liaison between the different network working groups and the network steering committee, and (e) Provide administrative support for the network workgroups and steering committee as needed.