BRAIN Initiative: Brain Behavior Quantification and Synchronization- Next Generation Sensor Technology Development (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) - RFA-MH-26-140
National Institutes of Health
LOI Deadline
LOI Required
Recommended, but not required
Application Deadline
Maximum Project Duration
5 years
Research Focus Areas
Computational Psychiatry
Research Methods
Neural Networks
This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) from the NIH Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies� (BRAIN) Initiative is intended to support the development of next generation sensor technologies and bioelectronic devices to further the goals of the Brain Behavior Quantification and Synchronization (BBQS) program of the NIH BRAIN Initiative. The BRAIN Initiative BBQS funding opportunities broadly support 1) development of tools for simultaneous, multimodal measurement of behavior within complex, dynamic physical and/or social environments and synchronize these data with simultaneously-recorded neural activity and 2) development of novel conceptual and computational models that capture dynamic behavior-environment relationships across multiple timescales and that can integrate correlated neural activity into the model.