Peer Advisors for Veteran Education
One-on-one peer support and dedicated resources for incoming student veterans.
One-on-one peer support and dedicated resources for incoming student veterans.
Peer Advisors for Veteran Education (PAVE) is a peer support program that connects incoming veterans on college campuses with trained peer advisors who can help them transition to life as a new student.
PAVE builds on the camaraderie veterans experience in the military to create a sense of community and connectedness that contributes to academic and personal success. Successful student veterans are trained as Peer Advisors to work one-on-one with new student veterans to help address challenges they may face and refer them to appropriate resources on and off campus and provide ongoing support.
Program Goals:
PAVE is a partnership between the Eisenberg Family Depression Center and Student Veterans of America. The program is currently in place on nearly 50 campuses nationwide