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Melissa DeJonckheere, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
U-M Primary Appointment
Family Medicine
Melissa DeJonckheere, Ph.D., is an adolescent health researcher specializing in qualitative, participatory, and mixed methods research. Her research interests center on psychosocial influences of adolescent health, particularly for youth with diabetes. She has an NIH Career Development Award to explore the psychosocial contexts of diabetes self-management among adolescents with type 1 diabetes. In addition, Dr. DeJonckheere is interested in improving access to and participation in academic research for youth, students, and trainees who have historically been excluded from science and research experiences. She is principal investigator of MYHealth, a virtual research training program for high school students in southeast Michigan, funded by a Science Education Partnership Award from the NIH/National Institute of General Medical Sciences.
Dr. DeJonckheere is also co-director of the Mixed Methods Program at the University of Michigan. She teaches qualitative and mixed methods workshops and seminars and collaborates with others using qualitative and mixed methods research in their work. She is a member of the IHPI Early Career Faculty Advisory Committee and served on the IHPI Workforce Diversity in Healthcare Recruitment and Retention Workgroup.