Brian Stork, M.D.
Brian Stork, M.D., is a general urologist practicing at Michigan Medicine West Shore Urology as an assistant professor. He also serves on the Board of the Michigan State Medical Society. He has a special interest in treating urinary stone disease, benign prostatic hyperplasia, incontinence, benign and malignant conditions of the kidney, prostate cancer and the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on patient and physician behavioral health. The current focus of his research is the relationship between trauma during childhood and the development of behavioral health problems and chronic disease. His community service centers around Step Up, a non-profit, faith based program that helps children in foster care transition into adulthood. A couple of years ago, he joined with colleagues from around the world to start the International Urology Journal Club on Twitter (#Urojc). He serves on the American Urological Association Social Media Work Group and the Urology Care Foundation Publications and Technology Committee. He also serves on the Clinical Practice Board of the Urology Times.
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