Maxwell Gray Film Fellowship Award for Fall 2021

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Kaley Mooney recently joined the Eisenberg Family Depression Center’s Outreach Team as the Maxwell Gray Film Fellow for the Fall 2021 semester. This fellowship grants awardees the opportunity to aid in the development, recruitment, production, and dissemination of an original video promoting student mental health. The videos aim to increase knowledge of mental illnesses and decrease the stigma surrounding them through a creative lens.

Kaley is a senior at The University of Michigan in the College of Literature, Science and Arts majoring in Film, Television and Visual Media with a concentration in editing. She is passionate about film creation and storytelling and hopes to utilize these skills in the creation of her video for the fellowship. Kaley has experience with outreach and advocacy specifically with women and LGBTQ+ communities and she is excited to support and educate those outside these communities with support from the grant.

Previous projects, along with more information about the fellowship, can be found here.