The latest research and innovations in the fields of depression and bipolar disorders.
The latest research and innovations in the fields of depression and bipolar disorders.
We are pleased to announce the launch of the Jack L. Berman, M.D., & Barbara A. Berman, Ph.D., Depression Research Award competition. Click on the link below to view more information. Thank you!
Background: In 2004, the University of Michigan was the recipient of a generous gift from Drs. Jack and Barbara Berman to endow a research fund at the Depression Center. The Berman Research Fund is intended to assist investigators' pilot funding for an innovative research project in the area of depression, bipolar and mood disorders. Its purposes are:
(1) to promote innovation by allowing researchers to take risks to explore new areas of research, and
(2) to help researchers obtain preliminary results that will assist them in obtaining funding from other sources.
Research Focus: The focus this year’s Berman Award is on depression among youth. This includes a wide range of topics such as suicide prevention and the impact of COVID-19 among youth.
Eligibility: The opportunity for funding is available to faculty at any rank, including professor.
Funding and Project Duration: The award of $50,000 will be contingent on IRB approval. The award period is two years. The successful applicant will be encouraged to subsequently apply for MICHR pilot funding and the Berman award can be used as evidence of matching support. At the end of two years from the distribution of funds all unspent funds will be returned to the Depression Center, there will be no extensions beyond the two years.
Proposal Deadline: March 8, 2021
Application: Proposals should contain a narrative of no more than 6 pages, and should cover:
Budget: A one-page summary budget, using the template provided, should detail major expenses by category and provide brief justification. Faculty effort is not an approved expense.
Biosketches: A bio-sketch is required for PI and mentor.
Submission and Review Process:
Proposals should be submitted electronically via the Competition Space website:
Reviews will be based on scientific and impact factors using NIH review criteria. A confidential summary of the reviews and review process will be provided to the candidate with the expectation that this will assist in further grant applications.
Reporting: A progress report will be due at the conclusion of the first year of support. This progress report must detail how the benchmarks related to each specific aim have been met, and, if not met, why. A final report is due one month following the completion of the funding period.
Attribution: The Berman Depression Research Award and the University of Michigan Depression Center must be recognized on all materials, including PowerPoint slides and journal articles, created as a result of this funding. An approved Depression Center logo will be provided to the award recipients.
Further Information: Applicants are encouraged to speak with the Depression Center Leadership for any questions or information on the application process. Please contact Debbra Galanti: